a bunnified adventure!


when gsus and i took our trip to vancouver island in august he surprised me with a special treat. bunnies!! oH mY. i do love bunnies. i am, however, for some mysterious reason, highly allergic to bunnies. i would have never known this had not mama-j and her lovely husband adopted the cutest bunny, willoughbee, and let him loose in their house. whenever i went over, i couldn't help myself -petting him was too much of a temptation. but man, did i get ever get a sniffly sneezy goo eyed reaction from the whole affair. sadly, i ended up having to restrain myself on future visits, and he wasn't as free to roam when i was around. what a cutester he was.

this post is dedicated to him and all freedom lovin' bunnies in the world.
rip dear willoughbee.

your friend always,

"being human requires the authoring of one's life, of one's life story. having a coherent, functional sense of one's self requires ongoing, active engagement in this authoring process"

just something i read this morning for a paper i have to write. it struck a chord.

in my recent past i have pretty much let life happen to me. sometimes (often?) i took on this role of victim, feeling overly sorry for myself when things weren't going as i hoped, as i dreamed they might. and many times that i
knew what i was doing - i understood that my attitude was my biggest obstacle to reaching my dreams. i just didn't have a clue what to do to change it.

i was not taking responsibility for my own life story.

and even now, this instant...i feel like i may be failing some part of myself. because i can't get across what i want to say..not the way other people can...because i can't paint the image i see...not the way others know how...and i drive myself away. i want to end the words and start over.

but ok.
i can. here i am with another chance to begin.

your friend always,

an affair to remember


i should be reading. reading and/or writing. i should be, but i'm not. because since school began i haven't had a chance to upload some of the photos that gsus and i took while we were out west in august. so i dived into the process of doing that today...it's a little excruciating to have 300 photographs to look through. at first, i wanted to run through them quickly, to weed out the crappy shots, the doubles, the ones that were taken accidentally (though i've kept some of those) to rotate the bloody things (oh the tallness of trees, darn it)! ugh...i can whine for an hour about how trying to get around the tediousness of rotating images ate up two hours (past midnight) of my life this weekend (only to end up right where i began...rotating them myself)!

but in rushing through the photos, all i wanted to do was take my time with so many of them. our trip was full of breathtaking and awesome moments. and while no photograph can truly capture the essence of being in the rain forest, or among our old growth friends....they do offer a glimpse, another chance to remember what we saw, and act as a reminder that places exist which speak to our true nature, to our inner most excitement and joy.

your friend always,

i think she's back. for now.

art in the gardens


i have an assignment. i have to choose a place that would be suitable to take an intermediate art class for an afternoon...or a daytrip. i chose the royal botanical gardens just outside toronto. this was a purely selfish decision on my part, and now i have to find a way to sell the idea to my prof. not that the trip wouldn't be interesting for students..it's just that i can imagine them maybe snickering at a sculpture like this, or worse...getting lost in the labyrinth. i'm not sure this is the right place to take an intermediate class (12 to 15 yr olds)...senior students, sure. i don't know anything about organizing field trips. i just followed my gut and it led me to the gardens. i'll just make it work.

isn't this sculpture lovely?

by the way, i'm on the hunt for a decent name. i don't know what to sign off with. i was akula (but now that i ended that blog, it seems unfitting), and i'd prefer not to use my real name. *mo is a temporary placeholder because i can't come up with something more creative. anyway...i'm not terribly concerned or anything. really, i do have other things to spend time thinking about!

your friend always,

everyday ideas

about this blog

i used to have this blog.
now i have this blog.

i thought
i'd like to start over, but not all over, because that's not the way life works.

i figured it out. i'm an artist.
it's what my mom used always say
when i did something unfathomably unpredictable.

in Polish
"ty naprawde jestesz artytska"
-you truly are an artist.

oh. ok then. let's just go with that - come what may.

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